Know thyself
(Excerpts from the Christmas message of Amma, 24 Dec 2010, Amritapuri)
"Every time celebrations and festivals are held, Amma gives a message. However, in reality, these messages are not different, they are all one. Their essence is one. Although there are many religions, spirituality has a single message. The fact is that this message comes in different ways.
"If you put it in a sentence, this message is "Know thyself." This is the supreme message. This message is not only relevant to the spiritual path. Regardless of our chosen field of action, if we get results, we must first know our own shakti-power. We must know our strengths and our weaknesses. This is a level "is a self-knowledge." However, to understand themselves only in the mind is not the peak of self-knowledge. For this, we need to go deeper. Why to know ourselves, in mind, we are not to receive all our strengths and weaknesses, nor are we able to transcend them. On the other hand, the message given to us by the scriptures is: "are not neither weak nor helpless. You are the source of unlimited power. "This is the ultimate reality. Understanding this truth is the purpose of life. This is the message that the Rishis and gurus have given to humanity in various ways depending on how long they lived.
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