Monday, January 25, 2010

Kates Playground Vidéos

Aid for the fire that ravaged Manila

(24 January '10)
Manila, The Philippines

January 16. the slums of Manila was destroyed by a devastating
fire that killed a girl of 5 years,
destroyed 500 huts, leaving 4000 people homeless
Br Shantamrita and other volunteers accompanied
Philippine Senator Jamby Madrigal in Paco, Metro-Manila,
to provide urgent assistance to more than 1000 people who lost their homes in the devastating fire
a few days before and are now homeless
Volunteers Association Amma
have distributed bags of rice and basic commodities in both the service center at the fire

While the group of volunteers walked the streets of Amma,
children Br Shantamrita called by the nickname of "Bro" ( brother)
identified with the main character of a famous soap opera Philippine
in which a young boy he would pray to Jesus to heal him
calling him "Bro"
The appearance and behavior is kind Br Shamara
have to remember the less fortunate in Manila that miracles always begin with small acts of kindness
During the distribution of relief, Senator Madrigal said that "E ' always gratifying to be part of this family with Amma as the mother of all
all our people become "sis" (sisters) or "bro" (brother) Tulasi-


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